Tuesday, June 30, 2009

He Wanders In He Wanders Out But Is It Law?

The NYS Senate saga continues. The duel in the NYS Senate got even stranger today when Republican Senator Padavan (Queens, NY) apparently wandered into the senate chamber while it was in session by mistake. He was the only Republican there but with the evenly divided NYS Senate the Democratic NYS Senators, declared him present, giving them a quorum, they passed laws saving the state about 1.9 billion dollars.

The issue is when a senator is on the floor, he is counted as present even if he is wandering aimlessly about and then wanders out. There is a quorum and laws can be passed according to the rules of the senate. Well, by the time dear old Padavan wandered out, non-controversial laws giving aid to localities were passed. For the most part they would have saved home owners huge tax increases and given localities funds for essential services.

One might think the King of Queens wandering in and out might have been a good thing. The Democratic Governor does not think so though. Governor Paterson vows to veto all laws passed while Senator Padavin was wandering about the senate floor because he assumes Senator Padavan was unaware of what he was doing. So the saga continues.

Nonsense or common sense? Sometimes things get beyond either and become beyond belief.

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