Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Obama Is Wrong On Health Care

This issue is really quite simple. President Obama is trying to reform a corrupt system which does not work by making deals with Republicans raised by wolves who howl every time when even the remote thought of working for a meal arises. Their moneyed masters have given them free reign of the chicken coop for decades and that system has worked well for them, until lately. They do not know how to hunt on their own and cannot survive if thrown into the political wilderness.

Yet these Republicans raised by wolves can snarl and bite and put on quite a show if their free meal ticket seems in danger. This is what they are doing now. This is only common sense for Republicans raised by wolves, it is a matter of political survival. Already the pack has declined greatly and all are fearful of starving if the masters chicken coop disappears altogether.

President Obama seems wary of striding right in and removing the masters free meal chicken coop. The thinking seems to be that the hungry Republicans raised by wolves are still dangerous because they howl and snap. Obama is the new cop on the block sent by the people to deal with the wolf pack masters. He is well armed and capable of the job, everything is on his side, yet he hesitates and talks about removing only half of the masters chicken coop for Republicans raised by wolves rather than removing it altogether.

So what is the new cop on the block to do? The common sense answer is nothing because the masters of the Republicans raised by wolves are running out of chickens to steal from the honest people and in a short time the Republicans raised by wolves will starve.

For those who did not get the story here is the simple version: For profit health insurance has to go completely because it corrupts the system. Single payer non profit health insurance covering everyone is the only option which even approaches common sense. If Obama thinks he can compromise on this he is wrong and is wasting political capital on nonsense.

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